Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Let's Play Ball

I did something today I have never done before, and really thought I would never do! I PLAYED BALL! Hahaha! Emily is playing softball for the second year in a row, and Jay and I want her to do well so we decided to practice with her at night. So, Jay got out there with her first and tried, I repeat tried, to pitch the ball to her and did not succeed. So he decided to play catch with her. After about 1/2 hour of watching, I thought I would try to help her by pitching to her. I was totally bad for a while, but finally got the hang of it, and she was able to make a couple of base hits off of my pitches. Even more surprising was the fact that I was able to catch 2 of the balls that Emily or Jay(who was catching) threw back at me. Jay thought the sky was falling when I caught the first one. I had a lot of fun, and hope to do this with her 2-3 times a week. Meredith was on the front porch working on home work, but she got in on the fun some! It was a joy for me to be outside with my family, playing together. We spend alot of time together, but is it really time well spent? I don't always know, but it is times like this that helps me realize just what God has blessed me with, and I thank Him for His goodness.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Nothing New To Post

I have tried for 2 weeks to figure out something to blog about. Life is obviously boring here at the Jones house! Nothing new, sending out resumes, but no luck as of yet. God is still with us, and keeping us in good spirits!

I have been asked to oversee the Easter Egg Hunt at our church, and I am excited. It has been a long time since I have done a Holiday activity and I am ready for the task. We are going to have games and of course, the Egg Hunt for the little ones, an Amazing Race for the teenagers with Biblical obstacles, and BINGO for the adults! We will end with door prizes after a devotional with our Student Minister, Daryl.

I have finally been able to update our church website. I designed it last year, and the hosting had some issues which have been fixed, so I am on the ball again. I love doing the website, and feel that it is a great way for me to use the talent God gave me for Him. I have been able to learn so many historical things about my great church, and am proud to be a member. You can check it out at http://www.mtpleasantbaptistsc.org/. Pray that God continues to inspire me with new things to create and upload for His glory!

We attended Meredith's Fine Arts in Greenville this week. She got an Excellent rating on her photography and a Superior rating for her Vocal Ensemble with the other 5th grade girls. I am so proud of her. Emily has started softball practice 4 days a week, so we are on the go again. I am so proud of her too. My girls mean the world to me, and I hope they know how much I love and appreciate them.

In saying that, let me ask to you to please be in prayer for a friend of mine from high school. Becky Cox (Bolt) and I went to school together from 5 years of age to 18. This week she lost her 10 year old son. I do not even want to imagine the hurt her and her family are experiencing. I know that God has His reasons and that He has the child in His care, and that He will get them through this hard time. Just please pray for them, and while you are at it, hug your child today! Tell them you love them. Its something we should continually do, and sometimes we forget in our day to day lives. I am pledging to do better, make sure my kids know that Mommy loves them always! Will you join me?

Until next time.....